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Turquie [Abdullah Gül] ». Si la biographie de M. Brown est connue, c`est la première fois qu`un officiel états-unien reconnaît que MM. Sarkozy et Gül ont été formés par le département d`État, ce que les intéressés ont toujours cherché à masquer.


La blogosphère commence à frémir depuis que le Réseau Voltaire (RV) a publié, le 29 octobre, une Actu titrée Karen Hugues reconnaît que Nicolas Sarkozy a été formé par le Département d`Etat US. Certains n`hésitent pas à barrer la Une de leur blog d`un retentissant Nicolas Sarkozy est un agent au service d`une puissance étrangère, se contentant de reprendre le texte diffusé par les amis de Thierry Meyssan : "Évoquant les résultats des programmes d`influence des États-unis, lors d`une cérémonie officielle le 25 octobre 2007, Karen Hugues, sous-secrétaire d`État chargée de la Diplomatie publique [propagande] et des Affaires publiques [relations publiques], a déclaré : « Plus de 130 participants [à nos programmes depuis 1945] sont devenus les leaders de leurs pays, y compris l`actuel Premier ministre de Grande-Bretagne [Gordon Brown], le président de France [Nicolas Sarkozy] et le président de Turquie [Abdullah Gül] ». Si la biographie de M. Brown est connue, c`est la première fois qu`un officiel états-unien reconnaît que MM. Sarkozy et Gül ont été formés par le département d`État, ce que les intéressés ont toujours cherché à masquer."

khughes_100Première remarque, mineure mais signifiante : RV utilise en titre le mot "reconnaît", comme synonyme d` "admet", voire d` "avoue". Karen Hugues a-t-elle dû confesser, pressée par les questions gênantes d`une meute de journalistes, que oui, effectivement, Sarkozy (et Gül) avaient participé à ce que RV appelle des "programmes d`influence des Etats-Unis" ? Pas du tout, elle s`en vante ! Mais comment donc ? N`est-ce pas proprement scandaleux, la sous-secrétaire d`Etat n`aurait-elle pas dû garder le secret ? Mais de quoi parle-t-on en réalité, que désignent ces mystérieux "programmes d`influence" ? Nous n`avons pas trouvé de trace de la "cérémonie officielle" du 25 octobre, mais un texte diffusé le 1er de ce même mois, à l`occasion d`une communication adressée à l`université de Budapest : "L`une de mes grandes priorité depuis deux ans que j`assume mes fonctions a été d`augmenter les programmes d`éducation et d`échanges à travers le monde. (...) Plus de 130 leaders mondiaux ont participé à nos programmes, incluant le nouveau Premier ministre anglais, le nouveau Président de France et le nouvellement élu Président de Turquie." Hugues l`avait donc déjà dit 25 jours avant l`article fracassant du RV. Pire, Elle s`en était également félicitée dans une discussion en ligne sur le site de la Maison blanche en date du 24 août : "Nous avons augmenté la participation à nos programmes d`éducation et d`échanges de 27 000 participants en 2004 à presque 40 000 aujourd`hui. Ces programmes incluent des échanges académiques bien connus comme le programme Fulbright, qui est à son niveau historique aussi bien pour les étudiants américains qui font leurs études à l`étranger que les étrangers qui viennent ici. (...) L`année dernière, nous avons délivré un nombre record - 591 000 - de visas d`étudiants. (...) Nous avons établi à travers des évaluations que, quand les gens viennent en Amérique pour étudier ou visiter, ils repartent avec une vue beaucoup plus positive de notre pays - une vue qui dure toute la vie. Des leaders du monde incluant le nouveau Premier ministre d`Angleterre, Gordon Brown, et le nouveau Président de France, Nicholas Sarkozy (faute d`orthographe sur le prénom d`origine) ont participé à nos programmes d`échange".

medium_medium_lavalise_2_"C`est la première fois qu`un officiel états-unien reconnaît que MM. Sarkozy et Gül ont été formés par le département d`État", écrit RV. Il était temps que ses fins limiers se réveillent, c`est au moins la troisième fois ! La sous-secrétaire d`Etat - démissionnaire depuis mercredi dernier, sans aucun rapport avec la présente affaire - n`a fait qu`exprimer une énième fois sa satisfaction que des grands dirigeants du monde aient participé à des échanges éducatifs et culturels avec les Etats-Unis. Version beaucoup plus anodine que le "scoop" que prétend détenir le RV, habilement présenté (sans le dire explicitement) comme la preuve enfin révélée que Sarkozy (et Gül) seraient des agents de la CIA ! Et même le site Bellaciao a relayé sans commentaire ni distance le texte manipulateur du RV, tout en pointant comme source le tchat de la Maison blanche d`il y a 2 mois et non la "cérémonie officielle" du 25 octobre. Alors il s`agirait d`être un peu sérieux. Que Sarkozy soit un ami des Américains, chacun le sait puisqu`il le proclame lui-même. Nous ignorions par contre que son CV mentionnât des études aux Etats-Unis. Puisque Karen Hugues le cite, on peut donc se demander à quel genre de programme d`échange éducatif ou culturel a participé le Président français. C`est là-dessus qu`on peut enquêter. Au lieu de livrer en pâture au lecteur, sans aucun début de précision, l`existence d`une mystérieuse formation administrée par le Département d`Etat à notre Président, dans le plus pur style conspirationniste.

PS : la drôlatique photo de Sarkozy debout sur une petite valise (mise à jour : qui est en réalité un trucage) figure sur les blogs Ça grince et Vive le feu !

logo_rue89Mise à jour : Rue89 publie un article sur ce sujet en date du 3 novembre. "A la base de cette accusation, un voyage d`étude aux Etats-Unis effectué par Nicolas Sarkozy dans les années 80 alors qu`il était maire de Neuilly, à l`invitation du département d`Etat dans le cadre de son Programme d`invitation de personnalités étrangères. Des centaines de personnes participent chaque année à de tels voyages aux Etats-Unis, qui se constituent ainsi un réseau d`influence dans le monde - mais rien à voir avec la "formation d`agents" (il y a certainement d`autres filières pour ça...). La France a d`ailleurs créé elle aussi, sur le même modèle, un tel programme d`invitation de "personnalités d`avenir" (120 "jeunes représentants des futures élites" d`une quarantaine de pays invités en 2007) ou de journalistes étrangers (150 prévus en 2007 selon le budget du Quai d`Orsay), jugeant le système efficace pour cultiver de "nouveaux amis"... (...) De fait, Nicolas Sarkozy a participé - en compagnie de Brice Hortefeux, l`actuel ministre de l`immigration et de l`identité nationale- à un voyage d`étude sur le "marketing politique et le financement des campagnes" (c`est en soit fort intéressant), qui l`a conduit à Washington, New York, San Francisco et Oakland. (...) Ce serait totalement abusif de parler de ces voyages comme d`une "formation", et passer trois semaines aux Etats-Unis invité par le Département d`Etat ne suffit pas à faire un agent américain - pas plus que les invités du gouvernement français, comme des avocats chinois défenseurs des droits de l`homme récemment rencontrés à Paris dans le cadre des invitations du Quai d`Orsay, ne sont devenus des "agents français".


Permalien: http://www.plumedepresse.com/spip.php?article163 Sarkozy, agent of the United States? Friday November 2, 2007, by Olivier Bonnet The blogosphère starts to quiver since the Network Voltaire (RV) published, on October 29, Actu titrated Karen Hugues recognizes that Nicolas Sarkozy was trained by the US State Department. Some do not hesitate to bar the One of their blog of resounding Nicolas Sarkozy is an agent with the service of a foreign power, being satisfied to take again the text diffused by the friends of Thierry Meyssan: " Evoking the results of the programmes of influence of the United States, at the time of an official ceremony on If the biography of Mr. Brown is known, it is the first time that official states-unien recognizes that Misters Sarkozy and Gul were trained by the State Department, which the interested parties always sought with masquer." First remark, minor but meaning: RV uses in title the word " reconnaît" , like synonym of " admet" , even of " avoue". Karen Hugues it had to confess, in a hurry by the awkward questions of a pack of journalists, that yes, indeed, Sarkozy (and Gul) had taken part so that RV calls " programmes of influence of the States-Unis" ? At all, she praises herself some! But how thus? Isn`t this properly scandalous, the under-secretary of State it should not have maintained the secrecy? But about what one actually speaks, that indicate these mysterious " programs of influence" ? We did not find of trace of the " ceremony officielle" from October 25, but a diffused text 1st of this same month, at the time of a communication addressed to the university of Budapest: " One of my large priority for two years that I take up my duties has been to increase the programs of education and exchanges throughout the world. (...) Plus of 130 world leaders took part in our programs, including the new English Prime Minister, new President de France and lately elected President de Turquie." Hugues had thus already said it 25 days before the crashing to pieces article of the RV. Worse, She had also been pleased some in a discussion on line on the site with the dated August 24 White House: " We increased the participation in our programmes of education and exchanges of 27.000 participants in 2004 in almost 40.000 today. These programs include well-known academic exchanges as the Fulbright program, which is on its historical level as well for the American students who make their studies abroad as the foreigners who come here. (...) Last year, we delivered a record number - 591.000 - visas of students. (...) We established through evaluations that, when people come to America to study or visit, they set out again with a sight much more positive of our country - a sight which lasts all the life. Leaders of the world including the new Prime Minister of England, Gordon Brown, and new President de France, Nicholas Sarkozy (spelling error on the first name of origin) took part in our programs of échange". " It is the first time that official states-unien recognizes that Misters Sarkozy and Gul were trained by the department of État" , writing RV. It was time that its really good sleuths awake, it is at least the third time! The under-secretary of State - resigner since last Wednesday, without any connection with the present business - did not make that to express one énième time his satisfaction that large leaders of the world took part in educational and cultural exchanges with the United States. Version much more alleviating than the " scoop" what claims to hold the RV, skilfully presented (without saying it explicitly) like the finally revealed proof that Sarkozy (and Gul) would be agents of the CIA! And even the Bellaciao site relayed without comment nor distance the text manipulator of the RV, while pointing as source the tchat White House of 2 months ago and not the " ceremony officielle" from October 25. Then it would be a question of being a little serious. That Sarkozy is a friend of the Americans, each one knows it since he proclaims it itself. We were unaware of on the other hand that its CV mentioned studies in the United States. Since Karen Hugues quotes it, one can thus wonder which kind of program of educational or cultural exchange took part the French President. It is on top that one can inquire. Instead of delivering in grazing ground to the reader, without any beginning of precision, the existence of a mysterious formation managed by the State Department to our President, in the purest style conspirationnist. PS: the drolatic photograph of Sarkozy upright on a small bag (updated: who is actually a faking) figure on the blogs That squeaks and Lives fire! Update: Rue89 publishes an article on this dated November 3 subject. " At the base of this charge, a study trip in the United States carried out by Nicolas Sarkozy in the Eighties whereas he was mayor of Neuilly, with the invitation of the State Department within the framework of its Programme of invitation of foreign personalities. Hundreds of people take part each year in such voyages to the United States, which thus constitutes a network of influence in the world - but anything to see with the " formation of agents" (there are certainly other dies for that…). France created besides it also, on the same model, such a programme of invitation of " personalities of avenir" (120 " young representatives of future the élites" of forty countries invited in 2007) or foreign journalists (150 envisaged in 2007 according to the budget of the Quay of Orsay), considering the system effective to cultivate " new amis" … (...) In fact, Nicolas Sarkozy took part - in company of Brice Hortefeux, the current Minister for immigration and the national identity to a study trip on the " political marketing and financing of the campagnes" (it is in is extremely interesting), which led it to Washington, New York, San Francisco and Oakland. (...) It would be completely abusive of speaking about these voyages like " formation" , and to spend three weeks to the United States invited by the State Department is not enough to make an American agent - not more than the guests of the French government, as of Chinese lawyers defenders of the human rights recently met in Paris within the framework of the invitations of the Quay of Orsay, did not become " agents français".
Permalien: http://www.plumedepresse.com/spip.php?article163 Sarkozy, agent of the United States? Friday November 2,2007, by Olivier Bonnet The blogosphère starts to quiver since the Network Voltaire (RV) published, on October 29, Actu titrated Karen Hugues recognizes that Nicolas Sarkozy was trained by the US State Department. Some do not hesitate to bar the One of their blog of resounding Nicolas Sarkozy is an agent with the service of a foreign power, being satisfied to take again the text diffused by the friends of Thierry Meyssan: " Evoking the results of the programmes of influence of the United States, at the time of an official ceremony on
October 25,2007, Karen Hugues, under-secretary of State in charge of the public Diplomacy [propaganda] and Public affairs [public relations], declared: „More than 130 participants [with our programs since 1945] became the leaders of their countries, including current the Prime Minister of Great Britain [Gordon Brown], the president of France [Nicolas Sarkozy] and chair it of Turkey [Abdullah Gul]".
If the biography of Mr. Brown is known, it is the first time that official states-unien recognizes that Misters Sarkozy and Gul were trained by the State Department, which the interested parties always sought with masquer." First remark, minor but meaning: RV gebraucht in, the word " reconnaît" , like synonym of " admet" , even of " avoue". Karen Hugues it had to confess, in a hurry by the awkward questions of a pack of journalists, that yes, indeed, Sarkozy (and Gul) had taken part so that RV calls " Programme beeinflussen of of the States-Unis" ? At DE she herselfpraises Summe! But how thus? Isn` t this properly scandalous, the under-secretary of State it should not have maintained the secrecy? But about what one actually speaks, that indicate these mysterious " programs of influence" ? We did not find of trace of the " ceremony officielle" from October 25, but a diffused text 1st of this same month, at the time of a communication addressed to the university of Budapest: " One of my large priority for two years that I take up my duties has been to increase the programs of education and exchanges throughout the world. (...) Plus of 130 world leaders took part in our programs, including the new English Prime Minister, new President de France and lately elected President de Turquie." Hugues had thus already said it 25 days before the crashing to pieces article of the RV. Worse, She had also been pleased some in a discussion on line on the site with the dated August 24 White House: " We increased Teilnahmethe in our Programme of Erziehung exchangesand of 27.000 Teilnehmer in 2004 in almost 40.000 today. These programs include well-known academic exchanges as the Fulbright program, which is on its historical level as well for the American students who make their studies abroad as the foreigners who come here. (...) Last year, we delivered a record number - 591.000 - visas of students. (...) We established through evaluations that, when people come to Amerika to study, or visit, they set out again with a sight much more positive of our country - a sight which lasts all the life. Führer of the world including the new Prime Minister of England, Gordon Brown, and new französischer Präsident Nicholas Sarkozy (spelling error on the first name of origin), took geht of in our programs weg échange". " It is the first time that official states-unien recognizes that Misters Sarkozy and Gul were trained by the department of État" , writing RV. It was time that its really good sleuths awake, it is at least the third time! The under-secretary of State - resigner since last Wednesday, without any connection with the present business - did not make that to express one énième time his satisfaction that large leaders of the world took part in educational and cultural exchanges with the United States. Version much more alleviating than the " scoop" what claims to hold the RV, skilfully presented (without saying it explicitly) like the finally revealed proof that Sarkozy (and Gul) would be agents of the CIA! And even the Bellaciao site relayed without, comment nor distance the text manipulator of the RV, while pointing as source the tchat White House of 2 months ago and not the " ceremony officielle" from October 25. Then IT would Be hat Frage of being hat seriouslittle. That Sarkozy is a friend of the Americans, each one knows it since he proclaims it itself. We were unaware of on the other hand that its CV mentioned studies in the United States. Since Karen Hugues quotes it, one can thus wonder which kind of program of educational, or cultural exchange took part the French President. IT is man Echoanzeige that one inquirecan. Instead of delivering in grazing ground to the reader, without any beginning of precision, the existence of a mysterious formation managed by the State Department to our President, in the purest style conspirationnist. PS: the drolatic photograph of Sarkozy upright hat man bagsmall (updated: who is actually a faking) figure on the blogs That squeaks and Lives fire! Update: Rue89 publishes an article on this dated November 3 subject. " At the base of this charge, a study trip in the United States carried out by Nicolas Sarkozy in the Eighties whereas he was mayor of Neuilly, with the invitation of the State Department within the framework of its Programme of invitation of foreign personalities. Hundreds of people take part each year in such voyages to the United States, which thus constitutes a network of influence in the world - but anything to see with the " Bildung of agents" (there are certainly other dies for that…). Frankreich created besides IT also man the same model, such hat Programm of Einladung of " personalities of avenir" (120 " Young repräsentativ of künftig élites"the; of forty countries invited in 2007), or foreign journalists (150 envisaged in 2007 according to the budget of the Quay of Orsay), considering the system effective to cultivate " new amis" … (...) In fact, Nicolas Sarkozy took part - in company of Brice Hortefeux, the current Minister for immigration and the national identity to a study trip on the " political marketing and financing of the campagnes" (it is in is extremely interesting), which led it to Washington, New York, San Francisco and Oakland. (...) IT would Be completely missbräuchlich of speaking Endstück These Reisen "like; formation" , and to spend three weeks to the United States invited by the State Department is not enough to make an American agent - not more than the guests of the French government, as of Chinese lawyers defenders of the human rights recently met in Paris within the framework of the invitations of the Quay of Orsay, did not become " français"beamte;.
Permalien: ¿http://www.plumedepresse.com/spip.php?article163 Sarkozy, agent of the United States? Friday November 2,2007, by Olivier Bonnet The blogosphère starts to quiver since the Network Voltaire (RV) published, on October 29, Actu titrated Karen Hugues recognizes that Nicolas Sarkozy was trained by the US State Department. Some do not hesitate to bar the One of their blog of resounding Nicolas Sarkozy is an agent with the service of a foreign power, being satisfied to take again the text diffused by the friends of Thierry Meyssan: " Evoking the results of the programmes of influence of the United States, at the time of an official ceremony on October 25,2007, Karen Hugues, under-secretary of State in charge of the public Diplomacy [propaganda] and Public affairs [public relations], declared: „More than 130 participantes [with Ur programs since 1945] became the líderes apagado their countries, including current the Prima Minister apagado Great Britain [Gordon Brown], the Presidente apagado Francia [Nicolas Sarkozy] and carne IT apagado Turkey [Abdullah Gul] ". If the biography of Mr. Brown is known, it is the first time that official states-unien recognizes that Misters Sarkozy and Gul were trained by the State Department, which the interested parties always sought with masquer." First remark, minor but meaning: RV gebraucht in, the word " reconnaît" , like synonym of " admet" , even of " avoue". Karen Hugues it had to confess, in a hurry by the awkward questions of a pack of journalists, that yes, indeed, Sarkozy (and Gul) had taken part so that RV calls " Programa beeinflussen apagado apagado the States-Unis" ¿? ¡At DE she herselfpraises Summe! ¿But how thus? Isn` ¿t this properly scandalous, the under-secretary of State it should not have maintained the secrecy? But about what one actually speaks, that indicate these mysterious " programs of influence" ¿? We did not find of trace of the " ceremony officielle" from October 25, but a diffused text 1st of this same month, at the time of a communication addressed to the university of Budapest: " One of my large priority for two years that I take up my duties has been to increase the programs of education and exchanges throughout the world. (...) Plus of 130 world leaders took part in our programs, including the new English Prime Minister, new President de France and lately elected President de Turquie." Hugues had thus already said it 25 days before the crashing to pieces article of the RV. Worse, She had also been pleased some in a discussion on line on the site with the dated August 24 White House: " We increased Teilnahmethe in our Programme of Erziehung exchangesand of 27.000 Teilnehmer in 2004 in almost 40.000 today. These programs include well-known academic exchanges as the Fulbright program, which is on its historical level as well for the American students who make their studies abroad as the foreigners who come here. (...) Last year, we delivered a record number - 591.000 - visas of students. (...) We established through evaluations that, when people come to Amerika to study, or visit, they set out again with a sight much more positive of our country - a sight which lasts all the life. Führer of the world including the new Prime Minister of England, Gordon Brown, and new französischer Präsident Nicholas Sarkozy (spelling error on the first name of origin), took geht of in our programs weg échange". " It is the first time that official states-unien recognizes that Misters Sarkozy and Gul were trained by the department of État" , writing RV. ¡It was time that its really good sleuths awake, it is at least the third time! The under-secretary of State - resigner since last Wednesday, without any connection with the present business - did not make that to express one énième time his satisfaction that large leaders of the world took part in educational and cultural exchanges with the United States. Version much more alleviating than the " scoop" ¡what claims to hold the RV, skilfully presented (without saying it explicitly) like the finally revealed proof that Sarkozy (and Gul) would be agents of the CIA! And even the Bellaciao site relayed without, comment nor distance the text manipulator of the RV, while pointing as source the tchat White House of 2 months ago and not the " ceremony officielle" from October 25. Then IT would Be hat Frage of being hat seriouslittle. That Sarkozy is a friend of the Americans, each one knows it since he proclaims it itself. We were unaware of on the other hand that its CV mentioned studies in the United States. Since Karen Hugues quotes it, one can thus wonder which kind of program of educational, or cultural exchange took part the French President. IT is man Echoanzeige that one inquirecan. Instead of delivering in grazing ground to the reader, without any beginning of precision, the existence of a mysterious formation managed by the State Department to our President, in the purest style conspirationnist. PS: the drolatic photograph apagado Sarkozy upright hat man bagsmall (updated: ¡who is actually a faking) figure on the blogs That squeaks and Lives fire! Update: Rue89 publishes an article on this dated November 3 subject. " At the base of this charge, a study trip in the United States carried out by Nicolas Sarkozy in the Eighties whereas he was mayor of Neuilly, with the invitation of the State Department within the framework of its Programme of invitation of foreign personalities. Hundreds of people take part each year in such voyages to the United States, which thus constitutes a network of influence in the world - but anything to see with the " Bildung of agents" (there are certainly other dies for that…). Frankreich created besides IT also man the same model, such hat Programm of Einladung of " personalities of avenir" (120 " Young repräsentativ of künftig élites" the; of forty countries invited in 2007), or foreign journalists (150 envisaged in 2007 according to the budget of the Quay of Orsay), considering the system effective to cultivate " new amis" … (...) In fact, Nicolas Sarkozy took part - in company of Brice Hortefeux, the current Minister for immigration and the national identity to a study trip on the " political marketing and financing of the campagnes" (it is in is extremely interesting), which led it to Washington, New York, San Francisco and Oakland. (...) IT would Be completely missbräuchlich of speaking Endstück These Reisen " like; formation" , and to spend three weeks to the United States invited by the State Department is not enough to make an American agent - not more than the guests of the French government, as of Chinese lawyers defenders of the human rights recently met in Paris within the framework of the invitations of the Quay of Orsay, did not become " français" beamte;.

Yaklasik 12 yil önce Istanbul`da bir Kafkaslar Toplantisi
düzenlenmisti! Toplantiya gazeteci olarak davetliydim. Graham Fuller de
oradaydi. Kendisinden bir röportaj talebim oldu, kabul etmedi. Ertesi gün,
Yenisafak gazetesinde Graham Fuller ile yapilmis bir röportaj çikti!

üzerine istihbarat servisleri ile diyalogu iyi olan bir muhabire görev
verdim. Graham Fuller, konferanstan ayrildiktan sonra nereye gitmis ve
kimlerle görüsmüstü? Bunu arastirmasini istedim. Kisa bir süre sonra bilgi
geldi: Graham Fuller, Topkapi`daki Yenisafak gazetesine gitmis, röportajdan
sonra o zaman gazetenin üst katinda bulunan Refah Partisi Istanbul Il
Baskanligi`nda Abdullah Gül ile görüsmüstü!

             Yillar sonra bu durumu Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan`a "Neden
böyle oldu? Bu kadrolar, nasil böyle birdenbire degisim gösterdi? Siz,
hepsinin hocasi olarak onlarin bu degisimini nasil degerlendiriyorsunuz?"
diye sordugumda su cevabi aldim:

             "Bu arada önemli husus sudur: Maya çok mühim bir sey. Mayasiz
ekmek olmaz. O cevher sizde yoksa, ekmegi yapamazsiniz."

             ABD derin devleti ile...
             DSP`nin çökertilmesi sirasinda Abdullah Gül ABD`de idi. Iki
kisiyle görüstü: CFR`nin beyni Morton Abramowitz ve ABD Disisleri Bakan
Yardimcisi Mark Grossman!

             Tayyip Erdogan da daha RP Beyoglu Ilçe Baskani iken, Morton
Abramowitz ile görüsmüs ve CIA`nin önemli seflerinden Graham Fuller ile
temasa geçmisti. Amerika`nin Adana Konsolosu Elizabeth Shelton, ABD`nin
Istanbul Baskonsolosu Caroline Hagins, ABD Büyükelçilik Müstesari Silwer
Lawrens ve CIA görevlisi Kenny Bob ile de görüsüyordu!

             312-2`den aldigi cezanin onanmasindan bir gün sonra 28 Eylül
1998`de, ABD`nin Istanbul baskonsolosu Caroline Hagins, Tayyip Erdogan`i
makaminda ziyaret ederek, "Bu tür gelismeler, Türkiye demokrasisine olan
güveni azaltir" demis ve Erdogan`a destek vermisti!

             Erdogan`in AKP`yi kurmadan önce 18 Temmuz 2001`de Israil
büyükelçisi David Sultan ile görüstügü de basina yansidi. Erdogan`in "Yeni
olusacak partinin Israil ve ABD politikalarina asla ters düsmeyecegi"
yolunda garanti verdigi yazildi. Abdullah Gül de bir taraftan Ingiltere
Büyükelçisi Sir David Logan`i makaminda ziyaret ederek parti çalismalari
hakkinda bilgi veriyordu!

             Londra Üniversitesi Ögretim Üyelerinden Türkiye Uzmani Dr.
Andrew Mango, Abdullah Gül`ün sik sik ABD ve Ingiltere`ye giderek görüsmeler
yaptigini açikliyordu!

             CIA sefi Graham Fuller de tam o siralarda Türkiye`de artik
Kemalizm`in modasinin geçtigini ve "ilimli Islam" a öncülük etmesi
gerektigini ileri sürüyordu! Fuller, "Fazilet Partisindeki gençlerin baskin
çikacagi ve Yenilikçi Hareketin ilimli Islama liderlik yapacagi" ni

             Sonunda, Tayyip Erdogan gayrimesru bir ara seçimle TBMM`ye
sokuldu, AKP`nin basina getirildi. Bu arada AKP`nin parti programi, yerel
yönetimlere otonomi vermeyi önören gizli bir CFR memorandumundan   aynen
kopyalanmisti. AKP, CFR`nin verdigi gizli programla kurulmustu! Bunu
yayinladigimiz halde yüksek yargi organlari kapatma davasi için harekete

             Gazeteci Yavuz Selim`in "Milli Görüs Hareketindeki Ayrismalarin
Perde Arkasi: Yol Ayirimi" kitabinda ise ilginç bilgiler veriliyordu:

             Yoldan nasil çiktilar?
             Mehmet Bekaroglu anlatiyor:
             -Daha Refah Partisi kapanmadan Talat Halman, FP kapanmadan da
Güneri Civaoglu, Milliyet gazetelerinde yazdiklari makalelerinde, Milli
Görüs Partilerinin kapatilmasinin yetmeyecegini, mutlaka bölünmesi
gerektigini söylediler; hatta nasil bölünecegini de ifade ettiler. Güneri
Civaoglu, 24 Eylül 1998 tarihli yazisinda, bölünme konusunda Sayin Erdogan`a
bir misyon da yüklemektedir. Nitekim gelismeler bu dogrultuda oldu. Bölünme,
öngörüldügü gibi bir proje olarak adim adim gerçeklesti.

             Amerikalilarin ilgisi SP Genel Baskani Recai Kutan anlatiyor:
             -Abdullah Gül, Fazilet Partisi döneminde Dis Iliskilerden
Sorumlu Genel Baskan Yardimcisiydi. Dolayisiyla, özellikle dis ülkelerin
temsilcilikleriyle, elçilikleriyle en yakin iliskide olan bir arkadas idi.
Sonradan aldigimiz intiba o ki, Abdullah Gül`e karsi özel bir ilgileri ve
sempatileri varmis. Bunu daha sonralari çesitli vesilelerle gördük. Bizimle
beraber çalistigi dönemde bu durumdan herhangi bir gocunmamiz da olmamistir.

Fakat sonradan Amerikali makamlarin, "Acaba hangi isim bizimle en iyi
uzlasma halinde olabilir" diye özellikle seçim yaptiklarini ve Abdullah
Gül`e özel bir ilgi gösterdiklerini hissettik.

             Boyuna Amerika ile fakslasiyorlar
             Sevket Kazan anlatiyor:
             -Abdullah Gül, hiçbir zaman Refah Partisi için çalismadi. Hep
kendisi için çalisti. Erbakan Hoca, Abdullah Gül`e Politik Arastirma Merkezi
diye bir merkez kurdurmustu. Dis iliskilerden sorumluydu ya, Refah
Partisi`ni Avrupa`ya, elçiliklere tanitacagi yerde, sadece kendisini
tanitti. Danismani olan Murat Mercan, ki ayni zamanda Melih Gökçek`in
danismaniydi, Amerika`ya boyuna fakslar gönderiyormus. Oradan da boyuna
fakslar geliyormus. Sekreteri de bir hanim kiz. Bu hanim kizin annesi de
benim hanimin arkadasi. Annesine anlatmis, "Böyle böyle, bunlar devamli
Amerika ile fakslasiyorlar, hep Abdullah Gül`ün propagandasini yapiyorlar"
demis. Hanim da bana söyledi. Ben de "Belki yanlis tespit etmistir. Öyle bir
sey varsa, bir gün o fakslardan bir tanesinin fotokopisini alsin, sana
getirsin, ben de göreyim" dedim. Kizi yakaliyorlar ve isine son veriyorlar.
Simdi Amerika`da kendisini tanitan bir kitap bastirmis...
             Refahyol Hükümeti`nde, Türk Cumhuriyetleri`nden Sorumlu Devlet
Bakanligini biz almistik. Gül, Türk Cumhuriyetlerine bir tek seyahat
yapmistir, o kadar. Adamin akli, fikri Amerika`daydi. Bir de Amerikan
Elçiligi`nde ne vardi, bilmiyorum, oradan hiç çikmazdi!
             Recai Kutan anlatiyor:
             -AKP`deki arkadaslarimiz, teslimiyetçi bir anlayis
içerisindedirler. IMF`cilerle, Dünya Bankasi ile iliski içinde olmak ayri
bir seydir, onlarin telkinlerine ve empozelerine açik olmak ayri seydir..

             Exeter lobisi ve Gül
             Ingiltere`de bir Exeter Üniversitesi vardir. Ingiliz
Üniversiteleri arasinda "Kürt Arastirmalari Enstitüsü" olan tek yüksek
ögretim kurumudur. Exeter Üniversitesi`nde ayrica Arap ve Islami
Arastirmalar Enstitüsü de bulunuyor! Basinda, Abdullah Gül`e fahri doktora
unvani veren Tim Niblock vardir.
             Ingiliz istihbarat servislerinin yurt disi görevlere
gönderilecek ajanlarinin önemli bir bölümü Exeter Üniversitesi`nde egitim
görür. Ayrica Arap ve Islam Dünyasi ile Kürtler hakkinda uzmanlasmasi
gereken Ingiliz ajanlar da bu üniversitenin hocalari tarafindan egitilir.
Üniversite yayinlarinda, Irak`in kuzeyinden "Irak Kürdistani" diye söz
             Green Peace (Yesil Baris) örgütü de Exeter Üniversitesi`nde bir
laboratuvar sahibidir!
             Exeter Üniversitesi`nden mezun olan veya doktorasini burada
yapan kisileri, daha sonra özellikle Islam ülkelerinde önemli ekonomik ve
siyasi kuruluslarin basinda veya devlet görevlerinde görmek mümkündür.
Mesela Islam Kalkinma Bankasi`nin bütün önemli yöneticileri Exeter
Üniversitesi`nde yüksek lisans veya doktora yapmistir! Tabii buraya
gönderilecek ögrencileri de kendi ülkelerindeki "Islami kuruluslar" seçer!
             Istanbul Milletvekili Nevzat Yalçintas  seneler önce Ingiliz
Disisleri Bakanligi`nin kendisini Londra`ya ve güneye Exeter Satosuna davet
ettigini, burada medyanin demokrasiyi tahrip etmesi üzerine bir beyin
firtinasina katildigini bir Meclis konusmasinda açiklamistir. Disisleri
Bakani Abdullah Gül, Exeter Üniversitesi`nde iki yil egitim-ögretim
görmüstür. Merkez Bankasi Baskani Durmus Yilmaz da Abdullah Gül`ün bu
üniversiteden arkadasidir! Abdullah Gül, Prof. Dr. Nevzat Yalçintas ve Prof.

Sebahattin Zaim gibi hocalarinin tesviki ve sagladiklari Milli Kültür Vakfi
bursu ile 1976-1978 yillarinda Fehmi Koru ve Sükrü Karatepe ile birlikte
Ingiltere`ye gönderilmistir.
             Gül, burada Islam ülkelerinde ileride görev alacak olan doktora
ögrencileri ile siki bir arkadaslik kurmustur. Dönüste Sebahattin Zaim`in
daveti ile Sakarya Üniversitesi`nde görev almistir. Abdullah Gül, 12
Eylül`den birkaç gün sonra evinden alinip götürülür ve Istanbul`da Metris
Askeri Cezaevine kapatilir!
             Çiktiktan bir süre sonra Merkezi Cidde`de olan ve 48 Islam
ülkesinin üye oldugu Islam Kalkinma Bankasi`nda diger Exeter mezunu
arkadaslari ile birlikte ekonomi uzmani olarak görev alir. Islam Konferansi
Örgütü Genel Sekreteri Ekmeleddin Ihsanogu, Exeter Üniversitesi`nde doktora
sonrasi çalismalar yapmistir.
             Exeter Üniversitesi`nden Prof. Dr. Ian Markham`in "Said
basarisi: Hakikat ve hosgörü" baslikli bir makalesi vardir! Yani bu
üniversite "dinlerarasi diyalog" un kurgulanmasinda da vardir.
             Türkiye Cumhuriyeti`nin Cumhurbaskani adayi olan Abdullah Gül,
görüldügü gibi özellikle ABD ve Ingiltere`nin derin devleti ile yakin
iliskiler içinde olan bir kisidir.

             Üniversiteyi bitirdikten sonra Ingiliz istihbaratina eleman
yetistiren Exeter Üniversitesi`nde yüksek lisans yapan Abdullah Gül, CIA
istasyon sefi Graham Fuller ile gizli bir görüsme yaptiktan sonra Yenilikçi
Hareket`in basina geçti!

             Islam ülkelerine yönetici yetistiriyorlar
             Ingiltere`de bir Exeter Üniversitesi vardir. Ingiliz
Üniversiteleri arasinda "Kürt Arastirmalari Enstitüsü" olan tek yüksek
ögretim kurumudur. Exeter`de Arap ve Islami Arastirmalar Enstitüsü de
bulunuyor! Basinda, Abdullah Gül`e fahri doktora unvani veren Tim Niblock
vardir.  Ingiliz istihbarat servislerinin yurt disi görevlere gönderilecek
ajanlarinin önemli bir bölümü Exeter`de egitim görür. Ayrica  Exeter`den
mezun olan veya doktorasini burada yapan kisileri, daha sonra özellikle
Islam ülkelerinde önemli ekonomik ve siyasi kuruluslarin basinda veya devlet
görevlerinde görmek mümkündür.

             Israil ile özel iliski
             Abdullah Gül, Israil ile iliskileri çok siki tutan bir
politikaci olarak dikkat çekti. Kasap Saron olarak bilinen ve sonradan
Israil Basbakanligi da yapan Ariel Saron ile de görüsen Abdullah Gül, ABD
derin devletine hizmetleriyle taninan Ahmet Ertegün`ün Özbekler tekkesindeki
cenaze töreninde ön saftaydi.




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